The Curious Case of Rod Blagojevich
When Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, it fell to sitting Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich to fill his vacant Senate seat. But Blagojevich, determined not to lose out on a quick buck, offered to sell the seat to the highest bidder. However, instead of cashing in, Blagojevich was just arrested. US Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald described the corruption as "the most staggering crime spree in office I have ever seen."

And it didn't end there. It was further alleged that Blagojevich pressured the Tribune Company, parent company of the Chicago Tribune, by threatening to withhold state funds in connection with the sale of Wrigley Field unless certain members of the editorial board who were critical of the governor were fired. Political strong arming? Suppression of first amendment rights? Baseball? And have you seen this guy's hair? It defies logic.

And now, amid cries for his resignation, whispers of recall, and preliminary impeachment procedures, Blagojevich has appointed Roland Burris to replace fellow black guy Barack Obama in the Senate. Because, why not? And going one step further, wouldn't Burris have to be a retard to accept this? Oh and the Senate is refusing to seat him. This should end well.

Still want to be President, Barack? Don't forget there is still nationwide economic hellfire to quell. Oh and Israel may have just started a war.
Good luck, buddy.
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