Also on the Ballot...
There's more to this election than some white dude running for President against some dude who is only half white. There are ballot initiatives all over the land. And these initiatives, depending on your opinion, will either undermine or enhance our democracy.

In Massachusettes, there is one initiative against dog racing, and one initiative for sensible marijuana policy. So let me get this straight... You are allowing weed smoke, but no dog races? Well there goes my Spring Break! Hey, Massachusettes, you might as well ban peanut butter, but not jelly. Christ.

In other ballot initiatives, three states are considering anti-choice measures, while fives states are voting on whether or not to outlaw the gay. The gay, which may or may not have infiltrated all 50 states, (not to mention those queens in American Samoa), is only being evaluated legally in Arkansas, Florida, Connecticut, Arizona and California. Wait. California? California can't outlaw the gay. California is the gay. Isn't the state flag of California a picture of two gays with an adopted Asian baby?

Honestly. Google "California state flag" right now and tell me you don't see a same-sex couple with an adopted Asian baby. Nice try, California.
There was a vote on my ballot to say whether or not an injured Vet.needed more than just the Dept. of something-or-other's record of their injury to receive bonus points when trying to get a promotion in a civil service job. It was no less confusing when I read it on the ballot. I swear.
November 4, 2008 at 2:11 PM
My little gay-loving liberal children made their own signs and can be seen on Evidently they're still too young to realize mommy and daddy's marriage needs to be protected from the scary gay love.
November 4, 2008 at 6:03 PM
where did you get that baby photo of me?
November 4, 2008 at 6:44 PM
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