Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
In a campaign that has already survived undermining from the likes of Clintons, Bill and Hillary, as well Reverends, Wright and Jackson, Barack Obama can now add Joe Biden to this distinguished list of occasional dumbshits.

In August of this year, Muck Breaker promised there would be speaking gaffes from the Democratic VP candidate. And for the most part, he's delivered, albeit quietly. We all remember when he implored Senator Chuck Graham to "stand up and let the people see you." Of course Senator Chuck Graham is confined to a wheelchair. "Oh, God love you," Biden cried a moment later. "What am I talking about?"
We're not entirely sure, Joe.
But that misstep was nothing compared with his recent work. Out on the campaign trail this week, Joe Biden contradicted Senator Obama's stands on both coal power and the AIG bailout. He even told Katie Couric that he found an ad from the Obama campaign "terrible." Incidentally, the Obama campaign is also the Biden campaign. But why bother Joe with semantics this late in the game?

When reached for comment about this, Obama said privately, "Why does it seem like I get the most flak from my own party?" He went on to say, "Guys. Please. I'm trying to run for President here."
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