Palin Quits
Sarah Palin abruptly resigned from office today. She will stay on until the end of the month and transfer power, presumably peacefully, to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell. Her speech was typical Palin: rambling, without substance, and with a dash of sports metaphor sprinkled in for good measure. She kept saying over and over again that she didn't want to waste taxpayer money or play politics as usual. She also stated that she could make a greater difference to the children outside of politics.

Palin picked a really slow news today to make this announcement. Before today, many thought the smart money was on Palin gunning for a 2012 GOP bid for President. (Because, losing VPs have been so very successful in their own bids for the high office.) But leaving office early like this doesn't really reflect well on her aspirations for higher offices, and the responsibilities therein. Palin, usually a more than capable public speaker, spoke nervously in her press conference, at times as though she were out of breath.

Is there a scandal here? Because, something about this smells fishy. Palin's bid for VP was riddled with scandals, but none large enough to derail her. If there is something sketchy behind this, it would have to be pretty juicy to take her from office now. Given the timing of this, she more than likely had a hand in the untimely death of Michael Jackson. And while clearly, that's not the case, imagine if it were?

It could just be that Sarah's not getting enough attention up there in Wasilla. Maybe Palin got a taste of the spotlight last year. And maybe, just maybe, momma like. If that is the case, you can expect a book deal, speaking tour and 10 p.m. slot on FoxNews in the near future. Whatever she does next, we here at MuckBreaker would be shocked if we've seen the last of Governor Palin.
Is it just me, or is there something very off-putting, visually, about her in that picture before the carving of Alaska? She sort of looks inhuman. I wonder if... no. She couldn't... be... Is she a Homunculus?
July 11, 2009 at 1:18 PM
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