Do You Have Any Idea How Busy I Am, Bill Clinton?!
Four months ago, two American journalists wandered across the North Korean border from China in an effort to report on the refugee situation there. The two women, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for what the North Korean News Agency described as "illegally intruding" the country. And if you've never perused the North Korean News Agency's website, do yourself a favor and check it out here.

But then earlier this week, Bill Clinton stepped in. Perhaps, he was helping Hillary with matters of State. Perhaps, he was trying to take control of his legacy. Or Perhaps, Bill Clinton sensed there were women in North Korea that needed him. Whatever his motivations, he was moved to act.

So with the blessing of President Obama, and presumably Hillary, ol' Bubba was on a jet plane to North Korea to see about getting some leniency. Upon arriving Clinton met with aspiring filmmaker, and occasional tyrant, Kim Jong Il, and within a few hours, secured the women's release.

There are still a LOT of questions to be answered here. It's not clear how or when these women were captured, (or how their producer slipped away). It's not clear how exactly Clinton made this happen. It's not clear what sort of precedent this trip will set with regard to dealing with the rogue state in the future, especially on the matter of nuclear weapons. But one thing is clear: a little girl was reunited with her mother today. And Bill Clinton made it all happen.

Furthermore, free flowing information, and those who promote it, found in Bill Clinton, of all people, its greatest champion since that Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at Bush.
I can't believe my tax dollars paid for that nymphomaniac to fly half way around the world to pick up some Asian hookers.
August 5, 2009 at 6:21 PM
Nice sentiment, Welcome Home, but you can rest easy knowing that Clinton's buddy Steve Bing paid for it. So, your tax dollars are still safe for Obama to use to turn American into a socialist utopia! Enjoy.
August 6, 2009 at 3:45 PM
Thanks, Socialism. My buddy once paid for me to have my way with two asian hookers too. It was so much fun. You should try it.
August 10, 2009 at 12:41 PM
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